Friday, 29 April 2016


I finally got two million gold and I upgraded my Town Hall. I still need to wait 8 days, which is a long time

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Clash of Clans

My clan just reached level 7 and it is great! Extra war loot is always good, especially when you need to upgrade your towers.
I would like to visit the United Kingdom one day and see London and Scotland.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Our Play

The date for the play is coming up fast and I don't think that we are ready. We still have problems with finding things for the set since we have a very limited budget. If you haven't read The Outsiders, you should read it because it is a good book.

Types of Clouds #3

Stratocumulus clouds are another type of cloud. If you are astute, you may have realized that it is just stratus ad cumulus put together. They rarely produce precipitation. They usually appear in groups and are dark, round masses. They can be pretty organized and appear at low altitudes. They are kind of a mix of stratus and cumulus clouds.

Stratocumulus clouds.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Easy way to make a battery

A battery isn't necessarily hard to make! Here is an easy way:
You will need zinc washers or tinfoil, pennies, or copper, cardboard, and acid. Vinegar and lemon juice are fine.
1.Put the zinc/tinfoil on a flat surface.
2.Place the cardboard on a zinc washer/tinfoil.
3.Place the copper on the cardboard.
4. Find something that can clip everything together.
You should have a sandwich. zinc/tinfoil on the bottom, cardboard in the middle, and copper on the top.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 as much as you can before you run out of something. Don't make it two big, maybe 6 of everything is fine.
Next, dip the tower into the acid. Pour the acid into a bowl and dip the tower in.
4. Find a light that has cords attached to it and connect one end of each cord to one end of the battery.

The light should light up. If it doesn't, make sure that you soaked the cardboard thoroughly. Try not to do it before you assemble the tower.

Types of clouds #2

Cumulus clouds are "puffy," like those clear blue skies with a few clouds blocking it. Cumulo means heap or pile in Latin. It is very unlike stratus clouds and are those kinds that are "fluffy." Of course, if you are on a cumulus cloud you would just fall to the ground as they are not solid, but made out of water vapor. Like stratus clouds, they are very low lying. They don't cover a very large area.

These are cumulus clouds.

Types of Clouds #1

The first type of cloud is called the stratus cloud. It is a very low level cloud and is very flat and smooth. They featureless and may cause some small rain, but nothing big. The prefix Strato in Latin means layer.

Typical stratus cloud

Clash of clans

Only the Town Hall left to upgrade. So close...

What will happen to our sun?

Don't worry, the sun isn't massive enough to become a black hole. In about five billion years, the hydrogen inside the sun would run out and the sun would slowly increase in size, engulfing the inner planets, including the Earth. (Don't worry. By then, we would have moved to Kepler 452b or something like that.)  Next, its outer layers will shed off, forming a planetary nebula, leaving the inner core, which comprises of mostly carbon and oxygen. This is normal as 99% of the stars in the galaxy would become white dwarfs. R.I.P sun.

Proof of regular hexagon

Okay. Proving that you can draw that perfect hexagon is kind of easy since it was easy to draw a regular hexagon.
First, connect the centre of the hexagon with each of the hexagon vertices. Remember this? 
Now do this:
You should have 6 triangles. These triangles are all congruent because of SSS. Each of a hexagon's sides is equal and each triangle shares a side with another, making every side equal in length, We already have three sides.Next, each of these triangles has the same inner angle, since the hexagon splits it evenly, so 360 divided by 6 = 60 degrees. Since these triangles are also isosceles, that means that the other two angles are equal two! That means that each triangle is an equilateral!

Now it is pretty obvious. Since the radius of the circle is equal to each of the hexagon's sides, we now know that the hexagon we drew is indeed perfect.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Drawing Regular Hexagon in any circle with only a ruler and a compass!

You may think that drawing a hexagon is an easy task, but a regular hexagon is harder, especially when you don't have a ruler. You might think that this is hard, but it is actually pretty simple. This is what you do:
1. Have the original circle with a point on the side, like this: 
2.Take the compass and measure the radius with it, which is the distance between the two points.
3.Next, mark off the points of the hexagon with the compass length along the circle, like this:
4. Finally, connect all of these points together to get a regular hexagon, without using a compass!
The proof will come soon.

Clash of Clans

I have 1 wall left to upgrade until I max out Town Hall 7!

Difference between volts, watts, and amperes

Volts, watts, and amperes all have things to do with electricity. You may think them similar, but they record different things about electricity!

Amperes record the flow rate of a specific flow rate of a circuit. In equations, it is represented by I. It is one of the SI basic units and is shortened to amp. It is named after André-Marie Ampère, a French mathematician.

A volt is named after Alessandro Volta, the first person that created a battery. Electrons move to different atoms randomly, but if they are all in one direction, a current is formed. What do they need? Something called Electromotive force, or Volts. It measures the potential of electric charge between two places. It is represented by E.

A watt is named after the Scottish engineer James Watt. Usually, it is represented by the symbol P. You can remember this by thinking that P equals power ,which watt defines. It expresses energy per unit per time.

An equation: P = I x E. Basically, Watts equals Volts times Current (Amperes).

Sunday, 24 April 2016

All about Venus!

Venus is the second farthest planet from the sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Her Greek counterpart is called Aphrodite. One year on Venus is approximately 224.7 Earth days. It is the second brightest natural object in the night sky, the moon being the first. Venus is similar to Earth from their size and distance from the sun but their climate is nothing alike at all. Venus has a very thick atmosphere, with a thick layer of clouds covering a lot of the planet.This makes it very hot. The sun's rays pass through the clouds on the way in, but can not escape. It is like global warming but to a massive degree. On the surface, temperatures can reach up to 462 Celsius and 863 Fahrenheit. The atmosphere is comprised of about 96% carbon dioxide, which can explain the greenhouse effect.

Size comparison with Earth

Saturday, 23 April 2016

All about Mercury

No, I am not talking about the element. I am talking about the planet! Mercury is the planet closest to the sun and the smallest planet. It has a very thin atmosphere. This makes its temperatures vary a lot. The side that is facing the sun is extremely hot, with temperature 427 Celsius (801 Fahrenheit) and the other side is freezing, up to -173 Celsius! (-279 Fahrenheit) One year on mercury is only 88 Earth days! Its radius is only 2440 kilometers. NASA's MESSENGER flew by Mercury in 2008 and gave us stunning pictures of it. Mercury is kind of like our moon, with a lot of crater holes.
Mercury is named after the messenger of the Roman gods. In Greek mythology, the messenger of the gods is called Hermes. He has winged shoes for fast transportation.
 Mercury is made up of mostly iron.
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Friday, 22 April 2016

Pluto: Planet or dwarf planet?

Pluto is a planet discovered on February 18, 1930 by an American astronomer. It was regarded as the ninth planet until 2006, when its classification was changed to a dwarf planet. Pluto takes about 248 years to orbit the sun. Since it was discovered, it only completely about one third of its orbit! In 2003, an astronomer discovered Eris, another dwarf planet. Pluto is an icy and extremely cold planet since it is very far from the sun. The weird thing about that was Eris was bigger than Pluto. This led astronomers to question what makes a planet a planet. They decided that Pluto is too smaller to be classified as a planet, so in 2006, it and some other objects were classified as dwarf planets. There is big controversy on this topic. Do you think that it is a dwarf planet or a planet?

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Shortfin Mako: Fastest Shark

It is also called the bonito shark. Its scientific name is Isurus Oxyrinchus. It is a relatively big species of shark and it can reach speeds of 60 miles per hour, or 96.6 kilometers an hour! That is almost as fast as a car on a highway!Its average swim speed is about 40 kilometers an hour. This shark uses its fast speed to catch prey, like tuna fish, which is the shark's favorite food! It can also escape from tricky situations like getting challenged by bigger sharks or killer whales. It can swim circles around the great white shark, which can only swim up to 40 kilometers an hour, and only in short bursts. That is more than half the shortfin mako's speed! Killer whales can be big shark killers, swimming at about 65 kilometers and hour, but shortfin makos can luckily escape them.
These sharks are cool and beautiful


Planet X: A planet in the outer reaches of the solar system?

Scientists have found some evidence that there might be another planet orbiting deep out in the solar system! They, have nicknamed it "Planet Nine" or "Planet X." This planet has an estimated mass of 1 to 10 times bigger than Earth, and its size places it somewhere between Earth and Neptune. It takes between 10,000 to 20,000 years to orbit the sun. And it is an estimated 60 billion miles from the sun, which is about 645.47 AU. Astronomers studying the Kuiper belt noticed that some of the objects there would clump together, which shows some evidence that there is an object there. This does not mean that this planet is here for certain; these are only theories and this topic is still a very controversial one.

Some of space's weirdest exoplanets #12

WASP-17b is a planet in the constellation Scorpius. It was discovered on August 11, 2009 and it is the first exoplanet discovered to have a retrograde orbit, which is an orbit that is opposite of its star. That means that Venus, Uranus, and Pluto don't count since they are in our solar system. It is extremely massive, about 1.9 times the size of Jupiter, but its mass is extremely small, about half of Jupiter's. This puts it in a category of "puffy planets," which are planets that have extreme size but very little density. WASP-17b is the most puffy planet known. It has the density of a FOAM CUP so you can compare that.

Immunization shots

Yesterday, some of us also took immunization tests for the liver infection Hepatitis B Luckily, I already took the tests when I was young so I didn't have to take the shot but some people in my class weren't as lucky. I don't like shots.

Math contest

Yesterday, we had a math contest. The competition is called Mathematica Centrum. We did the Euler test. After doing it, I realized that it wasn't really that hard and there aren't any questions that I didn't know how to do. Hopefully, I did the best in my class.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

This morning, I heard a giant thump on the window and when I came over to check what happened, I realised that a bird had flown right into the window! I guess that the window looked transparent and the bird didn't know that it was there. I was freaked out by that.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Tallest tree in the world

The tallest species of trees in the world are called redwoods. Their scientific name is Sequoia sempercirens. They can easily reach heights of 91 metres. The tallest tree there is named Hyperion. It is huge, standing at 115.7 metres tall! That is 379.7 feet. Redwoods can live up to 500 to 700 years old. Their height is caused by California's climate, which is mild all year long and provides plenty of rain for them to get big. If you would like to see Hyperion, unfortunately, you can't because its location is hidden to prevent vandalism.

Monday, 18 April 2016

How much of each resource do I need to max out Town Hall 7?

Well, I just finished all elixir upgrades so...
Elixir = 0
I have exactly 29 walls that I need to upgrade, which is agonising since each one costs 200,000 gold. So 29 times 200,000 equals... 5800000, or 5.8 million gold! Also, count the Town Hall upgrade, which is 2 million gold, so 7.8 million gold left!

My hog riders are level 1, so I need to get them to level 2, which is 20,000 dark elixir. I need to get my barbarian king to level 5, so another 20,000 dark elixir. Don't forget my minions, which is 10,000 dark elixir. Right now, I have about 17,000 dark elixir so 20,000 plus 20,000 plus 10,000 minus 17,000 equals... 43,000 dark elixir!

I still have quite a bit of things I need to upgrade....

Clash Royale

I wish I had the Golem because I heard that it is really good.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

What exactly are black holes?

Black holes are... things that are incredibly dense and they have an extreme gravitational force, so strong that not even light can escape from it. If black holes suck in all the light, that means that we can't see them, right? Wrong. Scientists can study how the immense pressure of the black hole affects nearby stars. Also, they might be able to see them if they find out that stars are orbiting the black hole. A black hole is formed when a massive star dies. The centre of the star collapses and a supernova occurs. After that, a black hole would form. Don't worry, our sun isn't massive enough to turn into a black hole. At the centre of a black hole, all laws of physics are thrown away. Where do all the things it sucks up go? No one knows.
It is proven that at the centre of large galaxies, there will be a supermassive black hole. These black holes can have the mass of 1 million suns. Our supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A, has the mass of 4 million suns!

Artist's concept of a black hole
It is predicted that at the centre of a black hole, time dilation occurs, which means that time slows down. A black hole has a boundary, called the event horizon. If you go in there, you are never coming out.
Black holes have been found to emit x-rays, although no one knows why.

Smallest star

Stars vary in different sizes. There are giant stars and tiny ones. Proxima Centauri is one of the closest stars, 4.25 light-years away from us. Its radius is 200,000 kilometres across and 12.3% of a solar mass. In comparison, Jupiter's diameter is 139,822 kilometres across, but Proxima isn't the smallest star found!
OGLE-TR-122 is a binary star system housing the smallest known star right now, OGLE-TR-122B. It is approximated to be 0.12 solar radii, (The radius of our sun) making it only around 20% bigger than Jupiter's radius! It has a mass of around 0.1 solar masses, (The mass of our sun) making it 100 times denser than Jupiter. This star is one of the smallest sizes of stars thought to be possible. 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Blue Whales!

Blue whales are the biggest animals on the earth that are extant, which means not extinct. It measures about 30 metres in length, which is about 98.4 feet! It weighs 170 tonnes, which makes it the heaviest animal to ever exist! Its lifespan is 80 to 90 years. Its scientific name is balaenoptera musculus. You may recognise the balaen in balaenoptera, which you can link with baleen. It means whalebone, which is probably why it is in the blue whale's scientific name. They eat krill, and they can eat a lot of it! During certain times of the year, an adult male can consume 4 tonnes in one day!
Its heart is the size of a golf cart and its veins are so big hat a child can swim though them!
Here is a link:
I should point out that Canadian scientists dissected the blue whale.

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Just planted the lettuce a few minutes ago... Hopefully they can grow and hopefully the rabbit won't eat them.


Now that it winter has passed, a rabbit comes to my backyard almost every day searching for food. We grew lettuce last year and the rabbit ate a lot of that! It is now back to see if we planted any plants for it to eat but we didn`t yet.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Mechanical pencils or wooden ones?

Well, me personally I prefer mechanical pencils for everyday use. You don't have to sharpen it and it can be used for a very long time. Also, the graphite is much thinner than a wooden one's, so your work is much clearer and much easier to read. On the other hand, wooden pencils are much better to use than mechanical pencils when it comes to sketching and drawing because it has texture and the feel of the wood is great! What do you think?


I am currently reading Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson and I think that it is really good so far. Don't spoil it!
It is Wednesday my dudes!

Star types

Stars are measured by heat types. How hot a star is. It is measured by letters! In fact, from hottest to coldest, they are classified by O, B, A, F, G, K, M! Our sun is a G type star. There are further classifications, but we won't get into them right now!

Clash of Clans

I have 36 walls left to upgrade before getting a maxed town hall 7!.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto Number 4 movement 3 is really good!

The ten minute movement keeps you listening the whole time because it keeps you hooked one hundred per cent of the time!

Some of space's weirdest exoplanets #11

This poor planet is slowly being eaten alive. WASP-12b is a planet bigger than Jupiter and orbits so close to its sun, one forty fourth of the distance of Earth's orbit. It is slowly getting eaten by its star. The star's gravity is so great that it is slowly pulling the planet into it. In fact, in a few million years, it would get consumed by its star. It is already an oval shape and soon, it would be gone!

One of the most adaptable animals in the world!

Everyone knows what an ant is, but few people consider how adaptable it is. For example, army ants learned to work together to take down large prey that are much bigger than them. In fact, the total weight of ants in the world are much more than the weight of the humans in the world! Ants have also managed to find a way to communicate with each other; with chemicals. Different chemicals can mean different things. These ants definitely know how to work together!;

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Rogue Waves

Rogue Waves are exactly what it sounds like. Waves that appear out of nowhere! Yes, these waves happen randomly in the ocean and no one knows why, not even the scientists. They are unpredictable and dangerous. They were able to determine that in some areas, the waves appear more frequently than other areas. Isn't that weird? Many ships were sunk by these waves. They are enough to sink most or all modern day cruisers.

What is the Kuiper Belt?

The Kuiper Belt is a region extending from Neptune's orbit, which is about 30 AU, to about 50 AU. It is like the asteroid belt but it is much bigger. It houses a lot of asteroids and small pieces of rock. Also, 3 dwarf planets, Pluto, Haumea, and MakeMake.

Clash Royale new deck!

I sunk down to Spell Factory today. I need a new deck. This is what I came up with: Giant, Spear Goblins, Freeze spell, Arrows, Archer, Prince, Wizard, and Valkyrie. The Valkyrie and Wizard are good at destroying those pesky spawnner decks. The giant is good for distracting attacking troops and to direct the fire away from troops with less hitpoints but much higher attack, like the prince, and the wizard takes out the swarm cards, like skeleton army. When the opponent doesn't have a lot of elixir, put the prince and the wizard and it can take the tower out or do a lot of damage to it.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Clash Royale

I just got the elixir collector and it is pretty good!

Some of space's weirdest exoplanets #10

Gliese 581 c is a planet orbiting a red dwarf 20.37 light-years away. It was found that it is one of the few planets that could support life, being in the Goldilocks zone. The thing is, it is always bathed in red light, so the plants that might be living there must adapt to photosynthesis accordingly, making them black. Also, it orbits on its side, like Uranus, so one side is always facing the star and the other is always facing away from the star. On the side that is facing toward the star, it is extremely hot, so hot that you would die instantly but on the other side, it is so cold that you would freeze to death. So how does this planet sustain life? Well, there is a small strip of land right between the hot area and the cold area that it has just the right temperature.
Image result for gliese 581c

Predators: Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It’s built for a shot but fast sprint to reach its prey. This animal is also known for its fur pattern so that it could camouflage in its habitat so it could ambush its prey. It claws help to keep it’s ground so that it wouldn’t slip when it's running. They also enlarged nostrils to take in a massive amount of air during its speedy chase. You may notice that it has very strong hind legs to push of the ground.

Animals series: Introduction

Ok guys, so today I wanna talk about dem predators. These awesome animals are all different in many, many ways. They’re all built for killing with many different weapons. One example is the cheetah. It is built for speed and it’s fur is made to camouflage in it’s natural habitat. But remember! There are a lot of different kinds of weapons that you might’ve not even thought of! So, come check out my series for predators and later on; we might even tell you how prey are built to fight or escape these fierce predators! Have fun and check my blog out everyday for new updates! Thanks! (Baby animals are cute!)
                                                                             Omang, das so cute! 

How to three star maxed out town hall 7s

First of all, look at where the air defences are. Are they close to the outside of the base, or are they all in the middle? Also, are there high hit point buildings surrounding the air defences?(Mostly the storages) Make sure that your dragons are level 2 because that would help a lot. Also, remember to check the outside buildings because the dragons are really slow, sometimes when you try to get a three star, these slow troops won’t be enough to destroy the whole base.

Make sure that your dragons won’t go all around the base while the air defences shoot at them. Also, you should consider which direction the air sweeper is pointing. Once you determined which air defence to destroy with 3 lightning spells, request for max balloons. If you can’t do that, request for an extra dragon. Talking about the clan castle, sometimes the enemy has clan castle troops defending the base.

In the beginning, use your 3 lightning spells to destroy one air defence. You should also try to kill some of the clan castle troops with the lightning spells. Attack from the closest place possible to the air defence you want to destroy. Try to destroy as many distractions as possible. After that, don’t cluster your dragons into one place but start “funnelling.” That is when you try to get rid of the side compartments so that a large pack of dragons can go and destroy the centre of the base.  After that, release your clan castle troops. That is where most of the town halls are so that you can have a secured 1 star. Finally, there’s the king. You can use the king to destroy the buildings on the four corners but you could also use the king to destroy the some of the more dangerous towers. When you think you secured the 3 star, you can sit back and watch the rest of the raid.