Sunday, 24 April 2016

All about Venus!

Venus is the second farthest planet from the sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Her Greek counterpart is called Aphrodite. One year on Venus is approximately 224.7 Earth days. It is the second brightest natural object in the night sky, the moon being the first. Venus is similar to Earth from their size and distance from the sun but their climate is nothing alike at all. Venus has a very thick atmosphere, with a thick layer of clouds covering a lot of the planet.This makes it very hot. The sun's rays pass through the clouds on the way in, but can not escape. It is like global warming but to a massive degree. On the surface, temperatures can reach up to 462 Celsius and 863 Fahrenheit. The atmosphere is comprised of about 96% carbon dioxide, which can explain the greenhouse effect.

Size comparison with Earth

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